ISS Daily Summary Report – 3/25/2024
SpX-30 Docking: Following launch on Thursday, March 21st, the SpX-30 Cargo Dragon docked at 6:32 AM CDT, March 23rd. SpX-30 was docked to the Node 2 Zenith port and has successfully delivered a plethora of science investigations, crew supplies, and hardware tISS Daily Summary Report – 3/25/2024
SpX-30 Docking: Following launch on Thursday, March 21st, the SpX-30 Cargo Dragon docked at 6:32 AM CDT, March 23rd. SpX-30 was docked to the Node 2 Zenith port and has successfully delivered a plethora of science investigations, crew supplies, and hardware to the ISS crew. 71S Docking: The 71S vehicle successfully docked to the NM … Read more