Artists Cut Through Digital White Noise With .ART Website Domains
A surprisingly positive outcome of the pandemic is the renewed vigor with which artists and art institutions are going digital. With major players like Gagosian launching its temporary, high-end salesroom and Sotheby’s hosting online-only auctions, it’s cArtists Cut Through Digital White Noise With .ART Website Domains
A surprisingly positive outcome of the pandemic is the renewed vigor with which artists and art institutions are going digital. With major players like Gagosian launching its temporary, high-end salesroom and Sotheby’s hosting online-only auctions, it’s clear that unparalleled opportunities are awaiting the art world online. However, the flip side of this boom is an increasing amount of digital “white noise.” Perhaps one of the biggest challenges facing the artistic community in this context is the need to have a way to identify, establish, and promote oneself digitally, but to do it with the same charm and character attributes that are normally conveyed offline. More Read more